Virtual Functions in C++

Marking a function as virtual allows invoking the newest overriden definition of the function from the derived class even if the pointer is of base class

Without marking function virtual:

class Parent {
        void Show(){ cout<<"Showing from Parent!\n"; }  

class Child : public Parent {
        void Show(){ cout<<"Showing from Child!\n"; }  

int main()
    Parent * P = new Parent();
    Parent * C = new Child();
    P->Show();  // Showing from Parent!
    C->Show();  // Showing from Parent!
    return 0;

With marking function virtual:

class Parent {
        virtual void Show(){ cout<<"Showing from Parent!\n"; }  

class Child : public Parent {
        virtual void Show(){ cout<<"Showing from Child!\n"; }  

int main()
    Parent * P = new Parent();
    Parent * C = new Child();
    P->Show();  // Showing from Parent!
    C->Show();  // Showing from Child!
    return 0;